New Feature - Online Giving

Good Evening CRBC friends and family!

As we have been working on getting our full website and app up and running, we have now implemented an option to give online! The platform we use is dedicated to serving churches, and none of the money goes to any of the Big Tech monopolies such as PayPal and others who support things contrary to the Gospel, such as abortion, homosexuality or other evils.

The reason for this becoming an option is simple, there have been some questions about giving recurring or through credit/debit cards. While this will streamline the giving process for many people, some will still prefer to give in person - which is as with anything, up to the individual.

We have a lot to do here at CRBC, and most of these things be they repairs or other expenses require money. The pastor and staff do not get paid by the church for any of their work, so all of the funds go to upkeep, and other ministry work.

Whatever you decide to give, we appreciate your blessing us, and being a part of our ministry here in the South Valley of Albuquerque.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask us!

God Bless! 
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